A downloadable game

The Redeemed is a new character class for the Torchbearer RPG. You can find it and more Torchbearer material in Yggdrasil Magazine.

Despite Beli’s admonition against disturbing the dead for any purpose, necromancy has been an ever present threat to Yggdrasil. Mortals are born with the aptitude, and wether they like it or not, begin to show signs of the skill by the time they are teenagers. Some are able to hide the ability all their lives. Some are slain by their friends and family. Some embrace their power and use it to their own aims. Some are bound by the Order.

Your family always knew you were a little off. Something about the eyes or perhaps the quiet way you had about yourself. Then a Grey Guardian darkened your door and did… something. Gold was exchanged with your da and a bracelet was put on your arm. Now you live a life of adventure you never wanted.


The Bound Necromancer 1 MB

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